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"Another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what He had done... They provoked the Lord to anger." Judges 2:10-11
The Crisis Confronting Us
Europe is in danger of falling to Islam. There is an urgent and serious need for a new Biblical Reformation and for a fresh Spiritual Revival. Only Christianity, true Biblical Christianity, can defeat radical Islam. Secular Humanism and Hedonism are no match for Islamic Jihad.
National Suicide
By rejecting Christianity, Europe is committing spiritual suicide. By embracing secular Humanism and welcoming Islamic immigration, Europe is committing cultural and economic suicide. By intermarrying with Muslims and building mosques and madrassas throughout the continent Europe is betraying future generations to bondage. The decline of Christianity in Europe is catastrophic.
Learning from History
History is repeating itself. As in the 15th and 16th Centuries, Europe is experiencing a renaissance of paganism and facing an aggressive Islamic expansionism that threatens Faith and freedom. Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat its failures. Guilt manipulation and Revisionism has neutralized Europe. We need to rediscover our history. As Karl Marx declared:"The first battlefield is the re-writing of history."
War Against God
Secularism, Humanism, Hedonism and Heathenism have gutted Europe, morally, spiritually and ethically, making it vulnerable to an Islamic takeover. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn declared, of Russia, in 1917: "We forgot God!"
The book of Judges tells us of "another generation" which "grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what He had done" (Judges 2:10). We now have a secular society which has rejected the pleasure of worship and replaced it with the worship of pleasure.
Building on the Sand
Europe has a new generation who have moved away from the rock certainties of Biblical Christianity to the sands of relativism, evolutionism, situational ethics, relative truth, reincarnation, Harry Potter,The Da Vinci Code Hoax, The Gospel of Judas and the occult. Like Esau, they have sold their birth right for a mess of pottage. Now young Europeans are taught: "You come from nothing, You're going nowhere, life is meaningless!"