Tuesday 6 August 2024

We All Know About Hell

Quite a few years ago, I asked my 5 year old daughter a question, “If you believe in Jesus when you die, where do you go?” She answered, “Heaven.” Then I asked her, “if you don’t believe in Jesus when you die, where do you go?” She thought for a moment and then said, “fire!” The amazing thing about her answer was, my wife and I never taught her this, neither had anyone else that we know. So I asked her, “how do you know this?” She said, “I don’t know, I just do.”

Pushed Out of Our Minds

You may recall as a child knowing the truth of heaven and hell, yet for some reason, many people, actually most people, even Christians, put it out of their mind as some childish notion of a bad place that they assume a God of love would not possibly allow. They think it is a fable or a childish, nightmarish bedtime story designed by cruel men to scare, oppress and even suppress the masses into obedience.

Softer Approach Is Not Working

Pastor Neil Ryan of the Unley Park Baptist Church in South Australia said: “You know there is a lot about hell that I don’t understand, but that’s not what worries me. It’s what I do know about hell that worries me...We’ve spent years trying to take a softer approach with a hard truth. Do you know what I think the Holy Spirit is saying to us, “It’s not working.” We’ve tried so hard to make the gospel inoffensive and exciting that there’s no place for fear at all. I would say basically among Gen Y kids today that there is not one skerrick of fear of God.”

Make the Truth About Hell Clear

We must bring the truth about hell out into the open, because to most of humanity today, that is where they will spend their eternities, so it is our responsibilities to warn them now. We can only warn them in one way and that is clearly without holding back a thing. When Jesus spoke about hell, He was deadly serious and very cutting, holding no punches, as you will find out by the scriptures that I quote in future blogs.

Hell is Impeccably Biblical

According to the Bible, Hell is not only a real place of torment and damnation, but that it is scriptural and that it is just and right. The word hell is mentioned 109 times in scripture. References to hell in the bible is 63 times in the New Testament and several hundred times in the Old Testament. Every single book of the bible from Genesis to the revelation mentions hell more than once.

In Christ

Robert Cartledge

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