Thursday 18 July 2024

For The Atheist: Part 1

My appeal today is to the atheist to let us reason together. I want to put on the table that the question of God and His reality is reasonable.

The Question of God's Existence

The question of God's existence or non-existence is the most important question that men can ask. To be dogmatic and rigid in relation to this question is not going to change the truth of the reality. So what I'm saying is that we should approach the subject firstly with a reasoning mind and secondly without hostility. If we are hostile it proves just one thing, that we are not discussing the question to find the truth, but rather we are discussing the question to impose our ideology upon someone. At the same time however, we hold what we believe by conviction, and these convictions must be expressed. But let's do it with mutual respect.

Touchy Subject

To the atheist I ask, if the subject of God's existence makes you hostile, then you must ask yourself why? If the notion of God makes a man bitter and angry then, obviously, you are no longer wrestling with the subject as an atheist, but as an anti-theist, in other words, as a hater of God. The reason most anti-theists hate God is simply because of a distorted view of who the Christian God is. They create their own concept of god and then hate on the god they created. [but I'm not covering that subject in this blog today]

Core and Origins

To study any subject reasonably we must break a subject down to its core and origins. The theory of Evolution/Big Bang/Primordial Soup etc, tells us that it is clearly evident in the things it has evolved from. The Bible tells us that God is clearly evident in the things He has made. Therefore we must go back to the origin of the universe, to its inception to validate these two theories with reason.

The Origin of the Universe and Everything in it

The origin of the Universe has only 2 theories for its beginnings.

1. Either all existence came out of nothing (keep in mind that world renowned biologist Richard Dawkins emphasised, "that we evolved from Absolutely Nothing"). Then the universe (which is "Absolutely Nothing") came together to a single point, then expanded and stretched (Big Bang) to grow as large as it is right now. After this explosion, a primordial soup came into being and a single celled amoeba emerged in that primordial soup. From this amoeba, evolved all sorts of life forms. This happened by chance, for no apparent reason, over billions of years, until existence is where it is today. 


2. All existence was created out of nothing, by a higher form of intelligence who we call God, and this existence was created with purpose, intelligence, emotions and a will to live.

[You may think I'm belittling the Evolution theory by my wording of the theory, but after studying it for 30 years, everything I wrote of their belief from nothing, has been stated and restated over and over again by many scientists who promulgate it.]

Usually an atheist won't want to agree to these 2 theories of the origins of Life, yet these are the only 2 possibilities that are seemingly reasonable.

The atheist will usually try to discredit theory 2 by stating, "If God created the universe, then who created God." They state this argument in an attempt to deny the possibility of God, to leave what I believe is a less plausible and less reasonable explanation, that being Time, Chance and Nothing creating the universe.

Who Created God?

Firstly, God is Spirit and "His" Spirit is uncreated, unlike matter which requires creation. 

Secondly, to ask who created God takes us down a road of infinite regressions, meaning, whoever created God, must be God. But who created that God? Whoever created that God is God. But who created that God? Whoever created that God is God. etc. But according to the Bible, there is only one God, He who created the Universe.

Thirdly, The things God has made speak to His nature. God made an unending universe that baffles our minds to think about, a universe whose distance is without beginning or end. He did this so we can understand His infinite unending nature. He's an eternal God without beginning or end like His universe that He created. 

Fourthly, He also created the universe in 3s, speaking to His triune being, The universe consists of Time, Space and Matter; Time consists of Past, Present and FutureSpace consists of Length, Width and Height; Matter consists of Solid, Liquid and Gas. And for God to have created them He has to not be a part of them. So to understand who God is, we must understand that He is not like humans, or any physical life form that he creates, but rather He is the life giving energy source of the universe and exists outside of time, space and matter.

More tomorrow... 

In Christ

Robert Cartledge

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