Sunday, 28 July 2024

Responses to Unbelievers Part 2

In this blog, I am including a response I made to Lisa who commented on a photo that I commented on. I acknowledged God as the Creator of the nature we were appreciating, but Lisa found my comment insulting for some reason.

Lisa January 24, 2011 at 1:04 pm

My birthday is April 1 & I believe in MOTHER NATURE. Why would you take this beautiful site & photos & make your (insulting) posts about God? How about: “Wow, those were beautiful pictures!” That’s my comment. As for the God stuff – how sad that you’d rather believe in a singular entity & forget that you LIVE on THIS earth, so you should take CARE of it – not spend your time financially supporting some Church whose only goal is to gather a bunch of sheep (oh, I mean “followers”) in some belief & processes that someone essentially MADE UP at some point. Yeah, kiss the Pope’s ring – no idolization there. It’ll be a great day when you religious people who believe in God actually love ALL people, not just others who believe in your same religion. Crusades? I think people who feel they have to go to church to worship something are weak & can’t stand on their own, so they must follow. Pathetic.


My Reply

Yes, a Christian is a sheep, no offense taken. I am a sheep who knows the voice of the Shepherd my God, Jesus Christ. You cannot believe in God unless He draws you.

You seem to have extremely bitter and hateful views of Christianity. Sure, there has been some bad Christians over time, but these Christians are obviously not of the heart of Christ. No one can say that Jesus was not a good man and a great moral teacher. All accounts of Jesus both biblical and secular (not Gnostic, because these are false texts) talk of the holiness of Jesus. Any Christian who does not reflect these qualities of holiness are not truly Christ like. 

I do not call Catholiscism true Christianity, and the Pope does not speak for God. Your views of God and Christ are obviously based on media representations and atheist opinions upon Him, among other maybe New Age concepts (I don't know, just getting a sense of that from reading your blog). 

We are not weak by going to Church to study the Bible and worship God. We all go to something and follow something. Are you weak because you go to a concert and adore a performer? Are you weak because you go to University and study a field? Well when I go to Church I go to learn and grow in the things of God. My logic is, if God is real and true and His Son Jesus truly did die on a Cross for my sins, rise from the dead and ascend to be with the Father, then this has serious implications on not only my life, but all our lives. If His Words are true then I better listen to Him. To remain ignorant would be detrimental. So over 20 years ago now, in a search for the actual Truth, I put prejudice and opinion aside and studied everything I could about all kinds of religions, and it was not until I picked up the Bible and read the whole thing in 8 weeks, that I found the most absolute faith on this planet. 

Robert Cartledge

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