Friday, 19 July 2024

For the Atheist Part 2

This blog is part 2. As I said yesterday, my appeal today is to the atheist to let us reason together. I want to put on the table that the question of God and His reality is reasonable.

Two Explanations

As discussed yesterday, there are only really two explanations for the existence of all life and the universe. Either "Chance, Time and a Primordial Soup" did it, or God created it. It does not seem at all reasonable to me, that an honest seeker of the truth of the existence of all life and the universe, would try to push the God hypothesis out, when it is compared to the alternative, namely: "Chance, Time and a Primordial Soup". The God hypothesis is clearly a more plausible explanation. It's either nothing made everything, or God (Higher Intelligence) made everything.

Chance, Time and the Primordial Soup Conundrum

To believe in "Chance, Time and the Primordial Soup" to perform the miracle of creating all that is, is to give "Chance, Time and the Primordial Soup" the very same powers of which God has. If the atheist believes that everything that is came through "Chance, Time and the Primordial Soup" this would then mean that an atheist would have to believe that "Chance, Time and the Primordial Soup" is God, which they can't believe because they are atheists. So then the only alternative they have is to say that "Nothing" caused everything to come into being, that everything came from "Nothing". This again gives "Nothing" the very same powers as God by having the power to create everything. So now the atheist is in a real conundrum, they can't even believe in "Nothing", because "Nothing" is now endowed with Godlike powers. So the poor atheist cancels his belief system out, because even his belief in "Nothing", is the same as believing in God.

11 Organ Systems

Let's be honest, the complexity of which we see in life forms and for them to actually exist is a miracle beyond words. The complexity of the human body for example, with it's some 11 organ systems, that are all dependant upon one another to survive is a miracle of design. It's either all those systems came into being at once for the being to survive, or else it would die within seconds, according to the slow evolutionary process. So which system did the single celled amoeba evolve into first, and then how did that system survive until it was joined by another? If the 11 organ systems came into existence all at once, then what we have here is not evolution, but a miracle of God like proportions. For all 11 organ systems to evolve at once, in a short enough period of time, so that the human would not die, would require more than a warm soup, it would require something greater than the combined genius of every medical expert on the planet. Medical science has not the mental capacity to comprehend just how 11 systems could be created independently and then wrapped together to form a human.

Creative Genius Genesis

To attribute creative genius to the level of complexity we see in living things, is to bestow upon "Chance, Time and the Primordial Soup" godlike powers of creation like that spoken of in the Book of Genesis. Except, by claiming that "Chance, Time and the Primordial Soup" created it, you don't end up with a god that is superior to you in every way. You end up with an impersonal, unintelligent force, which is a miracle worker with freakish powers to cause everything else to exist, but doesn't know that it itself exists.

Clearly Seen

But did the god's "Chance, Time and the Primordial Soup" really create everything that is? Is it truly conceivable to think that the wonders of the universe were not caused by intelligence? Is it possible, with mans limited ability, to explore the universe, or travel at light speed, or teleport to the other side of the universe, or even search the deepest recesses of the earths oceans, is it possible that God is somewhere where man cannot see Him as they would like. We can't see air, but we know it's there, because we breathe. We can't see God, but we know He's there because we exist. "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." Romans 1:20-21

Great Complexity

The reasoning mind tells us that if we see a bike, we know that it had a designer, or if we see a ship, we know it had a builder. Mankind look at the human eye, study its complexity, and from that develop lenses for photographic equipment. We see the eye holding greater complexity than the bike or ship, yet the atheist will say "the eye evolved by chance over billions of years, and it had no designer," yet the eye is more complex than anything humans have ever been able to invent. Scientists look at DNA and admit that the amount of information packed into a blob of DNA the size of the tip of a pin is greater than the entire works of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, yet scientists have no concept of how Nature packed it all into such a small amount of space. Can scientist pack systems of information into microscopic Hard Drives that small? Of course not, they're not smart enough. Yet somehow, DNA evolved by chance over millions of years, unguided and without any intelligent interference. 


All in all, I believe that in an effort for men to avoid being accountable to a Holy God, they have blocked their minds to just how clearly evident it is that God is behind the creation of all life. I pray that men open their minds and reason this knowledge without prejudice and hostility, and let the evidence point them to the obvious truth.

In Christ

Robert Cartledge

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