Monday, 29 July 2024


I wrote this blog back on 6/8/2009 and thought it worth being repeated here.

Become Childlike

“O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding the truth from those who think themselves so wise and clever, and for revealing it to the childlike. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way.” (Matthew 11:25-26)

Stumbling Block to Faith

Great learning and superior Intelligence is one of the greatest stumbling blocks to the salvation of souls. Great Intelligence seems to make them incapable of discerning the simple, as they are always in search of the higher learning. How sad it is that such great minds cannot contain the mustard seeds worth of faith that it takes to believe.

Great Learning

It is surprising to discover how vast unbelief is among the “most educated” men and women in Universities. It is amazing how many professors of theology do not truly believe. Their great learning has confused and deceived them. And these same prominent teachers promulgate their post-modern views upon the receptive and impressionable minds of the students, who unbeknown to them have the views and thoughts of a faithless generation imposed upon them as a result.

Post-Modern Dilemma

Pastor Neil Ryan of the Unley Park Baptist Church in South Australia said,
 'The Post Modernist says, “You can’t be sure of anything you’ve been taught these days...” Can you understand why the world today is leaving the Church in dray loads? Because there’s this suspicion that Christians claim to have the truth. A Post Modern World is very suspicious of anybody who says, “I’ve got the truth.” And so the Church, all of a sudden which for Ni on two thousand years old, look to have something that could offer hope to the world, but now the world is saying, “you know what, you’re arrogant. Give me David Attenborough, give me Philip Adams, give me Richard Dawkins, because at least these people have the humility to talk about the mystery and the wonder and the awesomeness of things they don’t know about. You lot seem to talk about everything you know and give no room for what you don’t know.” And there’s this stark divide between the Church and the rest of the world, because of this whole shift of the way we think today as a Post Modern People. So we come back to the original question, "where does the average person go looking for hope?"'

Hope to No Hope

This really does put into perspective the dilemma the Church is facing in these last days. This deceptive shift in thinking from ‘find the truth and live by it,’ to the ‘believe what you like because there is no absolute truth view,’ is turning out to be the greatest mass shift of thought from having a hope in the reality and truth of Christ, to having no hope at all because you don’t need hope, when you die that’s it, you are no more. This has been the greatest deception satan has ever accomplished on this earth and is probably been his greatest hour thus far in history.

Pride Gets in the Way

The Holy Spirit cannot settle and dwell in the heart of a learned man until they humble themselves and accept that they are a mere creation, and everything that they are, the gifts that they have, was given to them by the Lord. This is very hard for them to swallow. Because of their pride, they believe that their own minds are their gods, and they find it so debasing to bow down to the true one and only God, let alone bowing down to His Son Jesus who was born a man just like them. But we know from Scripture that Jesus was God in man, proven by the virgin birth and His resurrection from the dead. But to the ‘learned,’ this is but a fairy tale. All we can do for these men is pray that they lose faithfulness in themselves, and fall at the foot of their saviour. 

The Unity of the Church

The only way we can prove that Jesus is the Christ is by the churches unity and oneness. “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. (John 17:23) Our unity will prove to the world that God sent Jesus and that God loves the world just as God loved Jesus. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35) It is because of this lack of love for one another as a Church and the divisions in the Church, that men don’t believe in Christ or believe that we are sent from God. It is because of the some 45,000 denominations of the Christian Church world-wide that God has not been able to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, so that we can see the last great world wide revival before the return of Christ. It is because of the unforgiveness among leadership and among Christians in general that satan is overwhelmingly defeating the Christian Church.

Repent Church

We must repent. My first book, God’s Heart Cry Revival, really does make it clear as day what we need to do as a Church to see God’s Holy Spirit poured out over the whole earth. God’s Heart Cry for Revival pleads with God’s people to respond to the call of God to live on His terms and set our hearts upon laying hold of His presence.

In Christ

Robert Cartledge

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