Thursday 1 August 2024

Living Life in Christ Part 1

This blog/article is taken from an ezine I created in 2010 called the Reviver. Hope you enjoy it.

Sin Again?

Living life in Christ is not only the most challenging life you could ever hope to embark upon, but it would have to be the least understood of all Biblical ideals. The reason for this is simple; Christ calls for radical holiness consisting of deep daily repentance and turning from all sin. Many Christians think and are taught that when we are born again that their old sinful habits will just vicariously (automatically) disappear miraculously with no need for daily repentance. These same Christians then cannot understand why they slowly begin to live in sin again. This is a foundational issue and something that new converts must have explained at the outset of their new life in Christ. We must choose to live holy lives when we receive Christ as Lord and Saviour and in so doing we must be prepared to resist the urges within us to sin.

Take Control

Colossians 3:1-14 is a point-by-point list in relation to living life in Christ Jesus. It is an excellent exhortation of how to live out the Christian life. It emphasises our responsibility to take control of our life as we become sensitive and obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, who uses our conscience to declare right from wrong.

Heaven's Reality

Colossians 3:1, “Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of Heaven, where Christ sits at God's right hand in the place of honour and power.” Paul tells believers to set their sights on the realities of Heaven because Paul preached the same message as Jesus, John the Baptist and the Twelve, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” If we have set our sights on Heaven we will live in daily repentance and sinlessness. For, “Through the fear of the LORD a man avoids evil.” (Proverbs 16:6

How To Walk in Holiness

Colossians 3:2, “Let Heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth.” We are reminded by Paul to let Heaven fill our thoughts. Leonard Ravenhill said, “Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs.” We must keep the realities of Heaven and the judgement of Christ, ever before us and uppermost in our mind, in doing so we are reminded daily to walk in holiness before a Holy God.

Heavenly Minded

I am reminded of a saying which goes, “He is so heavenly minded that he is of no earthly good.” This saying is in direct contradiction to the Word of God. We are told in Scripture to be heavenly minded and not only earthly minded. This saying comes straight from the pit of hell and is to keep the Saints of God from becoming heavenly minded. I believe that we should change the saying to: “If you are not heavenly minded you are of no earthly good”.

In Christ

Robert Cartledge

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