Friday 9 August 2024

Worshipping in Spirit and Truth Part 2

Yesterday we did part 1 of Worshipping in Spirit and Truth, here is part 2.

Selfless Act

Paul Billheimer discusses true heart worship being a selfless act, where we relinquish occupation with self and become absorbed in only God. When we forget ourselves in true worship, then we reach the heart of God; this blesses God because it was for this purpose that we were created. It is then that we are fulfilled and as Paul Billheimer says, “It results in mental wholeness.” The true worship of God could be the cure of many psychological sicknesses in this world.

Heart Driven Worship

There is nothing more exhilarating in the universe than worshipping the Lord in His presence. That is one of the reasons I want His presence in the Church. Any act we do that becomes nothing more than an unfeeling discipline, is nothing more than chasing after the wind. God does not manifest Himself in dead religious activity. I can’t count the hours I’ve spent worshipping Him religiously with no affect in Heaven or in me. I’m sure I’m not alone. Worship must become heart driven and intense, with love and passion to move God and to cause a true change in our character.

All Our Hearts

The Lord is saying that if we seek Him with all of our hearts we shall find Him. We will not find God any other way. When God becomes our obsession, when we live and breathe a desire to know God personally, then we will find Him.

Deep Within

If we lack sincere earnestness to praise and worship God, we will not please God. We can stand there and go through the motions of worship but not really have our hearts in it. True worship comes from deep within your heart. The Holy Spirit draws true worship out of our heart as He gives us a revelation of who it is that we serve. God is real and so are Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We serve the most powerful existence in the universe. Get a revelation of this and learn to quickly tune in when you are in a worship service and stir yourself up in the most holy faith.

Tangible Glory

I want to see God’s glory in the Church. His glory is real and tangible, you can feel it, at times you can even see it: read 2Chronicles 7:1-3. It is up to us, the body of His Church, to lay hold of God. I believe the final move of God that will sweep over the whole earth will be a corporate ignited move of the Holy Spirit. I believe that one or two men will not be responsible for such a move, because God is putting a fresh hunger in thousands of Christians hearts, leaders and lay people alike. God will use anyone who will yield to Him, and surrender to Him through humble repentance and intercession.

He Will Hold Off

When we begin praying for revival because the state of the world grieves and distresses us, remember that God will hold off. He will not just show up because we decide to pray a little for a revival. He will show up when we seek Him with all our heart. He will show up when we begin to desire Him more than a full Church. When we desire Him more than the gifts He gives us. When we desire Him more than a large offering. When we desire Him more than life itself, then He will show up, and we will exist in His presence.

10 Paul E. Billheimer, Destined for the Throne (Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438: Bethany House Publishers, 1975) page 116-118

In Christ

Robert Cartledge

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