Monday 12 August 2024

The True Gospel Message Part 2

This is Part 2 of the True Gospel Message taken from my God's Heart Cry for Revival.

Restoration of the True Message

We have seen a restoration of this message in part coming back to the Church but I believe that this message must be restored in full to see us preparing the way for the Lord. There is simply no other message under Heaven that will get the full blessing of God and His complete anointing, as well as have the power to convert the nations. The message is “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” The early Church knew the power of a life-transforming message was in repentance and turning from their wicked ways. Unfortunately, we have neglected this message and have compromised the gospel, thus most congregations lack power, the manifest presence of God and a people who are holy.

Repentless Salvation

The Church has preached a repentless salvation. I have personally witnessed 100’s of altar calls and so called salvations without even the remotest mention of repentance. We have made Christianity too easy, yet the true message is hard to swallow - but if it is swallowed, we are never the same again. When the message is not, “Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is near,” the message is swallowed easily but has no power to transform, and the new convert will fall away at the slightest test.

At the Alter we Should be Altered

The altar is the place where we have the opportunity to set the foundation and course for the new converts entire Christian walk. It is at the altar that their salvation is fixed and appropriated so that they know without a shadow of a doubt that their sins are forgiven. All biblical examples of conversion required immediate repentance of sin. From their conversion forward they were to work out their salvation with fear and trembling, reverence and awe and daily repentance.” “Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12)

He Chose Us

The way we bring a person to Jesus is going to affect their whole Christian walk. If they have not repented then nothing has been changed in their life, and their salvation is a farce. Remember: we did not choose God, He chose us. If a person comes to believe in Jesus and has not a repentant heart for the way they have lived their life, then that person has not had a true revelation of the glorious Christ whom I serve, and Jesus does not know them.

Destroyed to Self

No one can come before the true God and not be completely destroyed to self. In fact the lack of reverent awe in the Church makes me wonder how many Christians are living in that revelation now. If we can come to Church on Sunday, stand around and gas bag until the service begins, then stand there during the worship service thinking of every other thing except worshipping God, singing chorus’s with no energy or conviction, then I have to ask the question, “Does the Church fear God?” Little wonder we see so little power in the Church.

In Christ

Robert Cartledge

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