Thursday 11 July 2024

A Revival Vision

Hi Bloggers,
My name is Rob Cartledge and this is my blog. I haven't blogged for many years due to literally, being consumed by other things in my life. But from here on I will start blogging daily. I will be spending some time blogging relevant sections of my 3 published books, sections that I believe will bless you immensely. Today I am blogging the introduction to my first book called God's Heart Cry for Revival. I really hope this blog will bless you and fire you up to go for God with all your being. Make sure to comment and follow the blog. 
God bless you in Christ.

Unusual Day

Imagine, if you will, a scene. A Christian Church service has commenced and many of the Lord’s people are taking their place for the most important part of the meeting, the worship. Hands are raised and the spirits of those attending are being regenerated and revitalised by the Holy Spirit. It is an unusual day because as they are worshipping a sincerity and earnestness in prayer reverberates throughout the congregation. A supernatural expectation of a divine manifestation permeates the atmosphere. You see, this congregation has been sincerely seeking hard after God for sometime now.

God in Heaven is alerted to this genuineness in prayer and worship. A smile appears on His face as He leans over and says to His Son, “Jesus, why don’t we visit this Church and community today, they seem to want us there.” What follows is extraordinary, Jesus authorises the Holy Spirit to pour out the tangible presence of His person.

On Earth

Back on Earth a heaviness of the Holy Spirit settles upon the meeting. More and more of the Lord’s wonderful Spirit is poured into the building, so much so that He begins to move in the streets round about the Church, touching homes and lives of the unsaved. You see, when the God and Creator of the entire universe decides to manifest His presence with power in a place, a source of great potency pervades the atmosphere. No sinful or evil presence can occupy the affected area and all people come into the reality and conviction of God in all things. They begin to believe without a human word being spoken.

The atmosphere is divinely infused with His love, power and potential wrath. This revelation of a God of wrath causes unbelievers and believers alike to wail in repentance. Wrath is part of God’s nature; therefore to even begin to understand God, we must begin to understand that He is a God of wrath. We will then come into an understanding of the fear of God. The Bible says, “Who knows the power of your anger? For your wrath is as great as the fear that is due to you.” (Psalm 90:11) Even

Jesus told us to fear God in Luke 12:5, “But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him.” Psalm 19:9 says, “The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.”


The musicians in the Church building crumble under the sheer weight of the almighty and cease playing. Saved souls cry out to the Lord for forgiveness, repenting of all sorts of secret sins as well as pleading with God for the souls of their families, friends and community. The unsaved scream out with pain and agony as they sense their souls slipping into hell under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and people are lying on the floor, drenching the carpet with tears.

Without warning, the Holy Spirit anoints a minister to stand and speak His Word. He climbs up to the pulpit and with a voice and authority more confident than any President, declares, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) With that there is loud audible wailing echoing through the auditorium. Believers and non-believers alike, rush towards the man of God in search of relief from the excessive conviction that is plaguing their souls.

Community Revival

The incredible thing about this revival is, God has broken out of the four walls of the Church building, and is moving powerfully in the community and there are people seeking help from the guilt and condemnation they feel from their realisation of sin. People are coming out of their houses, compelled to gather with neighbours, desperate to get relief from a burden they cannot explain nor understand. It does not stop there; other Churches are reporting similar outpourings and how their community has strangely become God conscious. Enquirers in the multitudes are pouring into the church, begging for mercy from the living God who sees all. The beginning of a sovereign move of God has begun, in response to the heart cry for revival of His saints.

I don’t know if this sounds familiar to many of you reading this book, but to me, this is my dream and vision for the Church universal. Within this book I will endeavour to reveal to you how to stir the heart of God to bless us with a revival like the one described, and once we are blessed, how to secure it so that it will grow and intensify until it sweeps over the whole earth (Joel 2:28)Joel 2:28 had a present application (at the time it was written) and a future application (Pentecost and onwards) as well as an end time application (the time into which we are heading). For it describes the signs prior to the return of Christ, and tells us that at that time God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh.

In Christ

Robert Cartledge

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