Monday 22 July 2024

Why Were We Created?

In today's excerpt from 'God's Heart Cry for Revival' we look at the most important question that anyone could possibly ever ask. Why were we created? This is a significant and profound question, and so we turn to the Bible to find the answer.

Fulfilment and Purpose

I believe knowing why we were created is the most important and significant piece of knowledge that we could know. To understand this will lead us to a level of fulfilment and purpose in life that will give us more meaning, happiness, joy and completeness than any worldly vocation could possibly offer. To go through life never really knowing why we were created would have to be mankind’s greatest folly. I believe if humanity grasped the answer to this question and lived by it, wars, crime, debauchery of all kind, drug addictions etc., would be totally eradicated. To find the answer to this controversial and most mysterious question we must go to the last book of the Bible where God reveals the answer through His Son Jesus Christ to the Apostle John in Heaven, while he was in exile on Patmos.


Revelation 4:11 says in the King James Version, “Thou art worthy, O Lord to receive glory and honour: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” We were created for the Lord’s pleasure... That’s it, a profound yet simple reason for our being. We were created to give Him joy. How unbelievably simple the answer is, but it is not easy to give Him pleasure. It takes a lifetime sacrifice to accomplish. We will live fulfilled and whole lives if our Lord receives pleasure by our life. Aligning ourselves with this truth is the key to holiness and righteousness. When we aim to please God, all manner of sin loses its grip upon our life. When pleasing God becomes our obsession, we will become more and more like Him and holiness will be the result. It is essential that we seek ways of giving Him great pleasure and devote ourselves to them; for this is our reason for being.

Lifestyle Alignment

When I realised this revelation, it made me want to realign my entire lifestyle to see that I give my Lord pleasure. I asked the Holy Spirit, “How can I give my Lord great pleasure?” “Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.” (Romans 8:8) If I can overcome my sinful nature I can please God. This requires Holy Spirit guidance as well as sacrifice and discipline. This I will need to continually be working on as God reveals more and more of the sin in my life. I understand why Charles Finney said that he lived in a “state of perpetual unending consecration.” The closer you get to God, the cleaner He expects you to be. Sins that were not an issue when you were first saved suddenly become the major concern. 

Stripping the Veils

With each step closer to God He strips away another veil in our life and exposes more muck that we never realised was there. Christians should be keeping with repentance daily if they are growing in the things of God, that is why Paul said, “I die daily.” (1Corinthians 15:31) John the Baptist preached that we should, “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” (Matthew 3:8) As we keep with repentance, fruit should become evident in our lives. So in essence he is saying, live out your life in a state of repentance because if we don’t we won’t show the fruit of repentance, and then we will be no better than the brood of vipers John rebuked.

Robert Cartledge

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