Sunday 21 July 2024

House of Prayer for All Nations Part 2

This Extract is taken from my book "God's Heart Cry for Revival. This section is part 2 where I talk about how the true Church is meant to Function.

The Ministry of a True Believer

The ministry of every true believer is prayer, unceasing prayer. When, like Jacob, we lay hold of God, but unlike Jacob, don’t let go of Him even when He blesses us, the Church will experience an outpouring of the Spirit that even our wildest imaginations could not visualise. Joel 2:28-29 says it all, the Holy Spirit poured out upon all flesh, every man, woman and child.

Every Knee Will Bow

Let us stand on Philippians 2:9-11 which says, “Wherefore God has highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” If the Word of God says it, it will happen. I believe that if the Church is obedient, we will see every knee bow and every tongue confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord. The Church has a large job ahead, and prayer and intercession are the largest part of it. I believe that through prayer we can move God to fulfil His prophecies.

When God Does Not Tarry

The Church has to become a ‘House of Prayer for all Nations.’ We are to pray like the disciples before Pentecost, vigilant, disciplined, unceasing powerful prayers. Then when the corporate prayers of the Church reaches a point of travail that words cannot describe, God will tarry no longer and the Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh like the day of Pentecost. This will be the Churches finest hour and more will be accomplished by reaching God at this time than in all the other centuries combined. What God is able to accomplish in one day, can far outweigh all of what man has been able to accomplish for Christ in the last two thousand years. I underlined man, because God has moved powerfully in the last 2000 years, but without God, man has achieved very little for Christ.

God is More Than Ready

God’s heart cries for revival, God is ever-present and ever ready to pour out His Spirit and revive His Church and save the lost. But we, His Church, have always been His problem. We have lived in a way that God cannot honor with a revival. God cannot pour out His Spirit on an un- repentant Church without having disastrous consequences. If we don’t renew our wineskins, then our old un-repentant wineskins would burst as the new wine of the Holy Spirit is poured in. “Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” (Matthew 9:17) God has new wine for His people, but it will only be poured out at a price, and that price is to make ourselves new wineskins through repentance. If His people pay that price, we will see Heaven moved and the earth renewed and the coming of our Lord and all His Holy Ones with Him, praise God.

Robert Cartledge

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